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Join the 流媒体 Webinar: What You Need to See at NAB


2019年 NAB显示 is just around the corner, if last year's show is any indication, there will be more exhibitors than ever before. The 2018 show 功能d 1,718 exhibitors, up from 1,518 in 2017, according to organizers. That's either good new or bad news, depending on how much time you have to see everything you want to see at the event. 有利的一面, 至少对与会者来说是这样, total attendance was down by 10% in 2018 (from 103,443 to 93,171), so if that holds true for this year's event, it should be slightly easier to move through the halls than in previous years.

博客No matter what the final numbers are, there's sure to be more to see and do than ever before. And while it used to be fairly straightforward for attendees from the online video industry—all South Hall, all the time—our sector's growth and the increasingly blurred lines between it and broadcast mean that's no longer the case. To help you plan your show, 流媒体 is holding a webinar on March 29 called "From the Editors: What to See at NAB,由 Signiant, Zype, NewTek. StreamingMedia.com senior editor Troy Dreier, 流媒体 生产商 editor Steve Nathans-Kelly, I will cut through the marketing hype and offer our insights on what to watch for in Las Vegas.

毫无疑问, there will be new-and-improved hardware and advances to cloud workflows from production to packaging. And we're likely to see advances in encoding on both the software and hardware side. 这些都是已知的. But this year's NAB will see pavilions dedicated to advanced advertising, AI, IP生产工作流程, 的电子竞技, 5G, 及atsc3.0. 事实上,是atsc3.0 (which our Tim Siglin explored in a recent 流媒体 杂志 功能) will be front and center at the Las Vegas Convention Center, with a "Riding the Road to ATSC 3.0" presentation stage in North Hall and at the ATSC 3.0学院, a series of 10 paper presentations and panels as part of the Broadcast Engineering and Information Technology track.

It's hard to tear oneself away from the expo floor, but if you need a break from the chaos, NAB's education program includes more than 800 sessions over 6 days, covering everything from production to content strategies to streaming delivery.

In our webinar, we'll highlight the technologies and education sessions that are worth your time. So 加入我们 on March 29 at 2 PM ET/11 AM PT to find out what you 真的 需要去NAB看看.

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现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

NAB Roundup: The State of HEVC, AV1, Proprietary Codecs

H.264 still leads, HEVC is starting to gain traction, AV1 had its coming-out party. To add to the confusion, other codecs offer alternatives to all three. Jan Ozer makes sense of all the codec news from this year's NAB.

NAB 2018: Companies to Watch

使.TV, DLVR, Wicket实验室, Valossa, Grabyo, Wildmoka, Amagi, JW Player all made a splash with new products or services that are worth a look in case you didn't see them last week at NAB.

NAB 2018: The Alliance for Open Media Talks AV1 Launch

流媒体's Jan Ozer interviews Alliance for Open Media executive director Gabe Frost at NAB 2018, talking about AV1's launch, 它的未来, how it will likely co-exist with HEVC

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