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我最近在YouTube生活上制作了一个网络研讨会 Telestream Wirecast我想把这段经历记录下来. 这不是一个完整的, 打到破为止的比较回顾, it’s more of a CliffsNotes pictorial of what’s available and how to use it.


你可能知道, YouTube生活 isn’t available to all comers; you need an account in good standing and (reportedly) a certain number of followers and video views. 你可以 阅读需求,但没有提到粉丝和视频观看量. 我没有达到要求, 但Telestream, YouTube的Wirecast的开发者, 向YouTube的当权者请愿, 谁开通了我的账号.


Once you’re enabled, access live event functionality from the Video Manager page (图1). Click Live Events on the left to open a screen providing access to all live, 即将到来的, 或者完成的事件. 或者,单击右上角的“新建实时事件”,创建新的事件.

图1. 创建一个新的实时事件

不足为奇的是, creating the event involves inputting most of the same parameters that you input when uploading a file to YouTube. 在右边 图2, you can see that you can send a post to your subscribers and also share via Google Plus, 脸谱网, 和推特, 这是宣传你的活动的好方法.

图2. 输入基本的网络研讨会信息

On the top left of 图2, you should be able to make out the Advanced settings tab. 单击它以公开中所示的设置 图3. 最明显的是, you control whether or not comments are moderated and whether or not live events can be embedded. 很明显, 如果启用嵌入, you can embed the event into your own website in addition to showing it on your YouTube watch page, 不是所有竞争服务都提供的功能.

图3. 事件的高级配置参数


通过设计, YouTube直播输入一个单一的流从您的现场编码器, 并将其转换成多个流. The number of streams created and their respective data rates depends upon the stream that you send YouTube. 您可以在摄取设置中进行设置 图4. The radio button hidden by the drop-down box is to configure your own custom ingestion settings, 我没搞砸吗.

图4. 设置基本摄入设置

Once you choose Ingestion Settings, it’s time to configure your settings into your streaming encoder. This will be automated if you use Wirecast for YouTube or the retail version of Wirecast, 如果您使用Adobe Flash Live Media Encoder,则是半自动的. Specifically, you choose your encoding tool via the drop down list shown in 图5.

图5. 选择你的流编码器 

If you choose Wirecast for YouTube, you’ll be offered download links for the product (图6),以及零售版本. 请注意,如果您下载免费版本, 它将卸载任何当前安装的Wirecast版本. 我用的是零售版的网络直播, 我不想破坏它, so I didn’t download and install the free version until after my webinar.

图6. 你对YouTube直播的选择

有一次我做到了, I learned that operation is similar to the retail version of Wirecast, except that your only destination is YouTube and your only presets are YouTube-related. 你可以 upgrade the free version into either paid version by paying the fee and inserting the serial number into the preferences panel.

在零售版的Wirecast中, 我用过, 设置广播设置时, 你会选择YouTube作为目的地. In both versions, when you press Authenticate, Wirecast will ask you to log into YouTube (图7), and YouTube will ask you for permission to let Wirecast manage your YouTube account.

图7. 自动配置YouTube到Wirecast 

一旦授予, YouTube生活 passes all server address 信息 and other coordinates into Wirecast, 所以你不需要手动设置它们. Just choose an encoding preset that matches the ingestion settings that you selected in 图4 and you’ll be good to go. 它非常光滑, and I’m guessing you’ll see this level of integration with more and more live encoding tools. 注意这里有一个 为Youtube频道广播 with videos detailing these basic configuration operations and much more.


图8. Once YouTube生活 and Wirecast finished chatting, I was ready to go.

转到其他编码器, 如果您选择Flash Media Live Encoder, YouTube生活 will also provide download links for the Windows and Mac versions, along with downloadable XML files you can input into FMLE to handle configurations and connections. 

如果您选择其他编码器,您可以在 图9. If you click Recommended Settings, you’ll see a table of suggested encoding parameters. The stream name and primary and secondary URLs are the typical 信息 provided by streaming service providers and should be simple to configure into any streaming encoder. 请注意,YouTube生活确实支持字幕, 尽管您必须向服务提供标题提要. 整体, YouTube does a great job making the new service easy to use with Wirecast and FMLE, while those using other encoders should have no problem figuring out how to connect.

图9. 以下是如何为其他编码器配置YouTube生活.

After you input the info and settings, YouTube生活 creates the watch page for your event, shown in 图10. 这是你可以在博客文章中把你的浏览者送到的页面, 电子邮件, 以及其他你用来营销现场活动的材料. 正如前面提到的, you can grab embed codes to embed the live event into your own website, 但玩家在某种程度上是失败的, 缺少倒计时时钟和评论. 往好的方面想, only your video is shown -- not the playlist shown on the right in 图9 -- and there were no advertisements on my embedded player.


图10.  这是YouTube上的播放器. 嵌入式播放器缺少评论和倒计时.


一旦你设置好你的活动,你进入现场控制室. You’ll immediately see a message saying either that your stream isn’t live or that it is (图11). There are two video windows below the screen shown in 图11: one a preview screen that you can use at any time before the event, 另一个是显示实际直播的公共视图. 点击预览,预览开始播放. When you do, the Preview button changes to the Start Streaming button. 点击它,你就可以出发了.


图11. The Live Control Room from which you can preview and take your program live. 

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


So you need to start webcasting—should you choose a webcast platform, 流媒体直播服务提供商, 或者会议解决方案?


YouTube生活现在对所有信誉良好的会员开放. At 流媒体 West, a YouTube rep walked people through the steps for going live.


No longer restricted to those with high subscriber and view counts, YouTube生活现在对所有信誉良好的会员开放.


Expensive products have complicated interfaces and inflexible features, 而像Handbrake这样的免费应用程序,任何人都可以使用.


A panel of online video veterans presented their best live streaming advice. The difference between a free and a $40,000 encoder isn't just the cost.
